What will you teach yourself in 2020?
New opportunities! New challenges!
For me 2019 has been a year of many changes. Although many changes are good, some have been difficult. I have learned and experienced by now that changes are lessons to learn. To be used in 2020
And that’s a good thing! How strange this may sound when we are talking about a sad change.
How will you reach this in 2020?
It doesn’t work if you look at all the things that are wrong and not working right in your life. What should have gone better, wat would have felt better, etc. You just can’t always control what’s happening in your life. We cannot change what has been, but we can change what will be. We just have to accept what has happened and move on. Not the easy road, but it is the only road. Just look at how we can use every experience as life lessons. We will then learn bit by bit what works for ourselves. It makes us stronger and richer and gives us the opportunity to be more open for future experiences.
For me it worked out the way that I know who I am, what I want and not to be afraid of trying and learning. I have learned to give myself some space and time to explore. As a result I feel more freedom in trying in therefore more fun in experiencing. It is a more relaxing and rewarding life. I know that this new year there will be so much more opportunities for me as a person and cannot wait to experience it.
What will 2020 bring you?
Wil you
- explore what really makes you happy?
- learn how to say NO?
- look for THE job? Are you going to exercise more?
- find new friends?
- plan more family time?
- look for a voluntary job?
- ……………………..
In short
Will you to become more aware of yourself?
And are you most and for all going to accept that you are doing what you can and that this is OKE!?
Be happy with who you are and good things will come your way.
You may not control all the events that happen to you,
you can decide not to be reduced by them
Maya Angelou